10 Jan No Comments Anastasia news , , , ,

The supply of blood in Illinois is critically low right now. It’s so low, that the Red Cross said hospitals have been forced to cancel surgeries.

But donors can help multiple patients, even the smallest Chicagoans, by rolling up their sleeves.

Sometimes the tiniest patients need the biggest forms of support. And it’s nurses, like Lucas Wesoloski, who know firsthand the struggles children at Lurie Children’s Hospital face.

“Our patients need blood transfusions daily,” Wesoloski said, who has been a blood donation recipient himself.

Wesoloski said his patients are fighting off diseases, like cancer and a multitude of blood disorders.

“It is draining, to say the least. Emotionally, physically,” Wesoloski said.

He said blood transfusions often can give them the strength they need to fight.

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