LAST weekend, a group of us from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Ipoh, which consists of nurses and doctors, and our family members had the honour of taking part in a blood donation drive. The event was co-organised by our hospital and the Perak branch of the Malaysian Medical Association.
As a fairly regular blood donor myself over the last 32 years, it is indeed a blessing that I am healthy enough to still donate blood at my age. I was 19 when I first donated blood at the Ipoh General Hospital blood bank with a friend who was a regular blood donor. I decided to donate after hearing him talk about how good he felt doing so. And, indeed, it was a wonderful feeling walking out of the blood bank that day after donating blood. I was overwhelmed by the fact that the process was so simple, easy and fast but that simple act could potentially save someone’s life.
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