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After learning the importance of blood donations through life experiences, a UNK student shared with NTV News how blood transfusions changed the quality of her health.

Kaylee Kathman is now 20 years old, but when she was 18, she experienced something she said she’ll never forget.

Kathman is now a UNK Junior student focusing on her social sciences major, but back in May 2019 her and family’s focus was on something else entirely.

“I actually tried to give blood at a blood drive,” Kathman said. “They told me that my Iron levels were too low, they said I was a 10 but I didn’t really understand what that meant.”

Kathman’s hemoglobin levels were dropping and her body was letting her know.

“I was getting really tired I was super short of breath, I was working at a nursing home so I thought that was the reason, then I had my blood check again in August and I was a 5.5,” Kathman said.

Her mom immediately took her to the hospital, Kathman said It took a few times for the nurses to hook an intravenous, or IV, because her veins were too small.

In total Kathman received two transfusions, and Iron and sugar infusions, she said they changed the quality of her health.

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