Parents of crash victim plead for blood donations

10 May No Comments Anastasia news ,

The Florence parents of a 21-year-old woman recently injured in a car accident is reaching out to the public for blood donations. Stephen and Samantha Hilton realize the importance of donating blood after their daughter Shelby suffered injuries in a crash Thursday. It’s the call no parent ever wants to receive,

Blood drive in Waverly honors toddler twins

27 Apr No Comments Anastasia news , ,

Liliana Troiano is a happy 18-month-old baby. She is always smiling and she loves hanging out with her twin sister Adrianna. Both happy babies once went through hard times. The Troiano twins were born 9 weeks early, prompting a stay in the NICU. While there, Liliana was diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis, a

Blood drive held in honor of local teacher

26 Apr No Comments Anastasia news , ,

According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the U.S needs blood. Altoona Middle School hosted a blood drive Friday afternoon in honor of sixth grade teacher Shannon Camlek. Each year, an estimated 6.8 million people in the U.S donate blood, with each single donation potentially saving

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