Young leukemia survivor grateful for lifesaving blood donations during years of treatment
Michigan woman urges blood donations after nearly ‘bleeding to death’ on bathroom floor
Why blood transfusions are critical for those with sickle cell disease
The Great Chicago Blood Drive gets started Wednesday and we’ve been sharing stories from people in our community, who count on these donations, to survive. Beverly Chukwudozie is living with sickle cell disease. One of the most critical treatments is blood transfusions. Beverly spoke with ABC7 to talk about what
3-year-old girl with cancer thriving after treatment made possible by blood transfusions
Blakely Douglas is a thriving 3-year-old girl. But her mom and dad, Brock and Ashley Douglas, say Blakely has been thrown a few curve balls during her relatively short life. “Two days after her second birthday, she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia,” her mom said. The American Cancer Society
Elmhurst mom diagnosed with eye cancer while pregnant shares impact of blood donations
Giving blood and giving back: ‘We didn’t realize how dire the need for blood is’
There is an immediate need for blood donations in Guelph and across the country. Rachael Henderson, community development manager for Canadian Blood Services, said it is important that people “get out there and donate.” “One thing that’s kind of shocking is that the national blood inventory has declined by 35
Local family shares importance of blood donation during National Blood Donor Month
Donating blood is important to the Swafford family. Jasper Swafford was diagnosed with leukemia at 5 months old and received many blood transfusions while undergoing treatment. “It was every day, multiple times a day,” said Tricia Swafford, Jasper’s mother. “He received well over 300 blood products in the 60 months