Gallons later, family works to builds up Red Cross blood donations

Jan Dick figures he’s donated about 16 gallons of blood in the last four decades. “I guess, what kicked the whole thing off, I had a neighbor,” said Dick, a former Valparaiso councilman. “This was about 45 years ago, and (the neighbor’s) boss was in need of surgery. The guy …
When Michael Drakich rolled up his sleeve Friday morning, he reached a life-giving milestone. The 61-year-old Windsor man donated his 100th unit of blood and was ready to boast about the achievement. “In all honesty, I love to brag about it,” said Drakich. A sticker over his heart from Canadian …
One Pineville family is telling the story of their six-year-old daughter, Kate Stephenson, who suffered a stroke in February. After running tests, doctors found that the stroke was linked to something much larger: a tumor on her heart. This required her to be flown to Oschner’s in New Orleans where …
Brenda Webb lived in Lawrence County all of her life and was business owner of Brenda’s Cut ‘n Curl in Burlington. For over 35 years, she was very active in her church, Getaway Community Church. Her family and church want to once again keep her generous and charitable spirit alive …
The semi-annual blood drive from the grateful parents of a 3-year-old Ahwatukee girl with a chronic blood disorder will be held later this month. The drive from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 30 at Desert Foothills United Methodist Church, 2156 E. Liberty Lane, Ahwatukee, is sponsored by Kami and …
More than 700 young people in the northern province of Hung Yen took part in a blood donation programme on March 14, part of March’s Youth Month activities. The event was held at the University of Finance and Business Administration by the Hung Yen provincial Committee of the Ho Chi …
A night out at a wedding has changed the lives of Beth and Matthew Corbeau. Their son Jackson fell ill and a family member drove him to an urgent care clinic. They were under the assumption the diagnosis of an ear infection would wear off, but after a couple of …
In an effort to raise awareness of the need for blood, an 11-year-old Burlington girl is sharing how donors helped her recovery from childhood cancer. Rowan Dodge was diagnosed with a Wilm’s tumor – a type of childhood cancer that starts in the kidneys – when she was 5. “I …
One in seven people who walk into a hospital will need a blood transfusion. A single blood donation can save three of those seven people. “I think people are important,” Karl Martin said. He spent about 30 minutes Monday morning giving whole blood. “It’s a need, I have O negative …
Every four minutes, a child or adult in the United States is diagnosed with some form of blood cancer, ultimately affecting nearly 170,000 people each year. There are no specific traits that could cause blood cancer; it could occur in anyone, anytime. Cures for many patients are possible, but the …