Family pays it forward, hosts blood drive after son’s open heart surgery
Fighters come in all shapes in sizes and this little guy here is no different. “We knew early on he would be born with Down Syndrome and he had an AVS Canal Defect,” Nathaniel’s father, Blaine Sparks said. Nathaniel Sparks was born with severe congenital heart disease. It forced the …
I WOULD like to thank the 178 people in Southampton who have already registered as new blood donors in 2019. We asked people to make it their resolution to join the already amazing group of people who save lives every day by donating blood. Giving blood is quick and easy and just …
Henry and his family hold a blood drive party because donated blood helped save their son’s life. Read Full Article
Lian is a Taiwanese guy who loves donating blood because he believes that his blood will help save a stranger’s life. But little did he know that one day, he’d be saving his future wife. The story started 11 years ago when a Taiwanese woman surnamed Lim got into a …
On the six month anniversary of the Carr Fire, Vitalant in Redding held a blood drive to inspire people to give blood before the next major emergency. “Anybody can donate who’s 16 years of age or older, at least 110 pounds and is feeling good and healthy that day. If …
Aaron Cassidy’s son, Axel, was two and a half when doctors found a lump in his head. Aaron says: “We were told to go home, spend the weekend with our son. “It felt like it was the last weekend we were going to have with our son. It was the …
Seven-year-old Cameron Bulger was just like any young boy his age — cheerful and filled with laughter. However, after suffering from silent seizures in his first grade class early in 2018, Cameron was diagnosed with a Grade 4 CNS Embryonal Tumour in his brain, requiring an intense treatment protocol including …
Danielle Furrell has always donated blood. It was second nature to do something so easy that could potentially help others, but she never anticipated that one day, blood transfusions would save her own life. “I’ve always donated before, I always knew it was important,” Furrell said. “Until it happened to …
A blood drive on Jan. 30 is being held at Hampton high school from 7:15 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. in honor of a junior who has been battling acute lymphoma leukemia since last year. Hampton’s Sam Triulzi was diagnosed with the disease last May at the end of his sophomore …
There’s definitely nothing negative about this group of northern refugees. Except maybe their blood group. On Australia Day a group of 26 refugees will donate blood to say “thank you” to their local community. Volunteers from the Punya Foundation, based in Salisbury North, will converge on the Red Cross Modbury …