Local blood donors share their stories
One in seven people who walk into a hospital will need a blood transfusion. A single blood donation can save three of those seven people. “I think people are important,” Karl Martin said. He spent about 30 minutes Monday morning giving whole blood. “It’s a need, I have O negative …
Every four minutes, a child or adult in the United States is diagnosed with some form of blood cancer, ultimately affecting nearly 170,000 people each year. There are no specific traits that could cause blood cancer; it could occur in anyone, anytime. Cures for many patients are possible, but the …
I have been a blood donor for decades, and for the last five years I have been donating platelets. I see this as my way of giving back to my community. Many of us know of someone who has needed blood in an emergency and who is alive today because …
William Penn High School hosts the largest school blood drive in Delaware. It is a two-day event that sees hundreds of students giving blood, with many doing so for the first time. Read Full Article
Now is a more important time than ever to give back by donating blood. North Platte Honor Society Members did their part to help with the cause by holding a community blood drive Wednesday. There is a shortage nationwide of available blood for patients in need. This is because of …
We are Knox County 5th graders writing an article about Kathy Wever. Kathy is a paraprofessional at our school. She specializes in math. She comes around to our classrooms and helps out. Kathy had heart surgery. She had to get a lot of blood from blood donors. She went to …
Craig Suiter of Murray was recognized by Murray-Calloway County Hospital’s Blood Donor Center for being a 10-gallon donor. He has been making about six donations a year since 2004. With each blood donation equaling one pint – and there are eight pints in a gallon – that means that Suiter …
“SydniStrong” a 10-year old with rare cancer has good news. While she still has a stretch to go in her treatment, the community came out to support her at a blood drive. Read Full Article
Just last summer, Amelia Saunders of St. John’s was camping with her family when her parents, Veronica and Doug, noticed she was not herself. The normally happy three-year-old was cranky, tired and walking with a limp. Two days later, she developed a fever and red spots on her legs. They …
The Specialist Micheal “Pokey” Phillips Memorial blood drive honors Michael Phillips who joined the Army in 2006 after graduating from Ardmore High School. Micheal’s mother, Angela Phillips, said she and her family put on the blood drive every year near Feb. 24, the day an IED killed Micheal while serving …