Jack Oberweiser started giving blood when he was in college and found out he had an O-negative blood type. Read Full Article
Louisville girl who relies on blood donations wants to play part in solving issue of lack of donors
Since the pandemic, blood donations have lagged behind demand, according to The Kentucky Blood Center. But a 13-year-old Louisville girl is trying to help change that. At first glance, Jillian Striet appears to be a normal 13-year-old girl, with a love of stuffed animals and shoes. “I didn’t feel like
Bay Area mom, saved with blood donations, urges others to give – CBS San Francisco
Car wreck survivor is living proof of need for blood donors – WIBW
Life-saving blood donation changes life outlook for San Mateo Deputy Mayor Lisa Nash
Young leukemia survivor grateful for lifesaving blood donations during years of treatment
Michigan woman urges blood donations after nearly ‘bleeding to death’ on bathroom floor
Why blood transfusions are critical for those with sickle cell disease
The Great Chicago Blood Drive gets started Wednesday and we’ve been sharing stories from people in our community, who count on these donations, to survive. Beverly Chukwudozie is living with sickle cell disease. One of the most critical treatments is blood transfusions. Beverly spoke with ABC7 to talk about what
3-year-old girl with cancer thriving after treatment made possible by blood transfusions
Blakely Douglas is a thriving 3-year-old girl. But her mom and dad, Brock and Ashley Douglas, say Blakely has been thrown a few curve balls during her relatively short life. “Two days after her second birthday, she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia,” her mom said. The American Cancer Society