10 May No Comments Anastasia news , , , ,

A rare genetic disease that mainly affects bone marrow has placed 8-year-old Sandiswa Njilo at high risk of certain cancers.

Born in uMlazi, Sandiswa was diagnosed a year ago with Fanconi anaemia. She desperately needs a blood stem cell transplant. With assistance from the Sunflower Fund, a targeted public donor recruitment drive will be held at uMlazi Mega City from 10am to 4pm today in the hope of finding a donor match.

Her mother, Ayanda Njilo, said her little girl is playful and loves to write and draw. She can often be found laughing, dancing and playing with friends.

“She loves cartoons, Uzalo and Generations – every soap. She’s a TV person. Besides that, she likes to play games on a cellphone and her favourite food is noodles. She can have that all the time. She’s just so full of love,” said Njilo.

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