28 Feb No Comments Anastasia news , , , ,

A 15-year-old girl who has a rare disorder met the blood donors who have helped save her life on Friday.

Mia has a rare kind of anemia which prevents her body from producing red blood cells.

She’ll need a transfusion every month for the rest of her life.

She thought she was at a United Blood Services event on Friday to speak about blood donation.

But on stage, her mother told her she was about to meet the donors who have helped keep her alive.

One by one they hugged Mia who’s here because of their donations.

“We were all told as a group and everyone went ‘Wow,'” said Ron Bradly, a blood donor.

“A humbling experience for me to realize I helped save someone’s life,” said Angela Turos, a blood donor.

“I’ve been donating since 1972 and finally to meet someone who benefited, it makes you appreciated what they’re going through,” said Michael Ball, another blood donor.

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