A Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial senior is hosting her second blood drive this year, advocating for people to donate by sharing her personal story on how blood donors helped save her mother’s life.

In 2005, Emily Johnson’s mother, Leslie, was involved in a farming accident. Left with a shattered pelvis, severed artery, head trauma, and her right leg detached from her spine, Leslie received life-saving blood platelets while being airlifted to the hospital.

“Without successful blood drives, other families might not get so lucky. I can’t imagine not having my mom for Christmas or not having my mom when I graduate…so I am extremely grateful to the Red Cross for all the work that they do and I encourage people so highly to go donate,” said Johnson.

Emily’s mother is facing another surgery this month to fully replace both her hip sockets crushed in the accident and may need additional blood products. For this reason and to help others, Emily teamed up with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive on December 29th, at Zion Lutheran Church in Lake Crystal.

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