26 Sep No Comments Anastasia news , , ,

Carter Wells is a 9-year-old boy from Fruita who is fighting Aplastic Anemia. He is leaving on Friday to go to Denver to get a bone marrow transplant.

Carter’s parents first knew something was wrong when he was complaining of chest pains and was bruising easily. Doctors initially thought Carter had Leukemia, but eventually they determined it was Aplastic Anemia, a rare blood disorder.

Steve Wells, Carter’s father said, “the effects have been pretty hard on the entire family. Daily life has been pretty much turned upside down.” The family has still managed to keep a positive attitude through it all. There is no denying that it has been hard for them, but they have tried to always look for positives in the hard situations. The family has matching cups, shirts, and hats that have a logo for Carter on them. Carter also has a personal blog on Facebook titled, Carter Courageous.

The family wants Carter’s story to bring awareness to this disease because it is so rare. They also want to encourage people to donate blood.

Carter’s mom said, “Blood donation is huge. Literally we are sitting at 19 transfusions that have literally saved Carter’s life, each and every one of them.”

Carter said that he knows that there will be a long recovery process after the bone marrow transplant, but he can’t wait until he is healed so he can start playing football.

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