23 Oct No Comments Anastasia news , , ,

This week’s Reaching 4 Excellence young achiever was born with a very rare bone marrow disorder called Diamond Blackfan Anemia. She has to get blood transfusions every month to survive.

Resilient 15-year-old Lily Soto has a simple mission.

“To save as many people as I can and to help them,” she told FOX 4.

At six months, doctors diagnosed the Liberty High School freshman with the disorder. There are only 36 children born with it every year across the globe.

DBA, as it’s called for short, is a disorder where the body does not produce enough red blood cells. Those cells are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body.

“She needs a gallon of blood,” mom Le Ann said, transfusions she gets every three weeks.

She’s been getting the transfusions her entire life.

“It’s been hard because I’ve had to miss a lot of school. IĀ get sick a lot and it’s hard for me to catch up,” Lily said.

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