20 Aug No Comments Anastasia news , , , ,

On June 5, Great Falls High soccer player Emma Pachek collapsed on the field due to what was seemingly increasing fatigue the past few weeks. A hematology report in Kalispell would reveal she had a rare blood disorder: aplastic anemia.

From that point began many treatments in Denver, Colorado where Emma and her mother Julie have stayed for the past weeks. However, in that span, something special has become of Emma’s illness. It has become a call for others to step up and be Emma Strong.

Emma was matched with a bone marrow donor relatively quickly. Though not needed just yet because of other treatments, Julie describes it as a “blessing” to have been matched should it be needed in the future. That got the family thinking. Other people should be aware of the impact that being a bone marrow and blood donor has on people affected with similar illnesses.

Looking ahead to this Friday, close friends and family are happy to bring about a Be The Match event where community members can become registered donors and take part in a celebration of soccer and Emma.

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