Tymia Green has spent countless hours in hospitals, battling sickle cell disease with 80 blood transfusions at the age of 15 — with subsequent blockages causing excruciating pain.

But Tymia doesn’t use the disease as a crutch, she wants to be just like her fellow teens.

As a lifelong beauty pageant participant — even appearing on TLC’s “Toddlers & Tiaras” at the age of 6 — she has always had to manage her health before and after competitions.

In 2017, she was hospitalized four days before a North Carolina pageant.

It wasn’t going to stop her from competing, no way. Her mother, Susie Green, was nervous about Tymia competing, but she knew there was no convincing Tymia otherwise.

So, after her blood transfusion, Tymia left the hospital utilizing a walker, eventually competing with a fully swollen leg — bringing along plenty of stares and questions from other participants.

That’s just Tymia, a two-time winner of the Miss South Carolina at the National American Miss pageant.

Sickle cell disease is a disorder where blood cells are shaped like crescent moons, causing them to stick together and block her blood vessels. These blockages, called crises, cause Tymia severe pain.

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