A little girl who has exhausted all treatment options is to be given the gift of life.

Seven-year-old Evie Campbell was diagnosed with the rare blood disorder, Diamond-Blackfan anaemia (DBA), at just seven weeks old.

The Shilbottle youngster, who had her 53rd blood transfusion yesterday, is now set to receive a life-saving bone marrow transplant in March – thanks to a young man who signed up to the Anthony Nolan register.

Mum Rebecca, 35, said: “This is going to save Evie’s life. He is the only person out there who has got the same tissue type as Evie.

“This transplant is also going to change her life.

“Evie will always have DBA, because it cannot be cured, and she will still be under the care of St Mary’s in London.

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