My daughter would not be here without blood donations
Craigie: top blood donor leading by example
CRAIGIE resident Chris Le Juge De Segrais is leading by example after making her 100th blood donation. She has been Water Corporation’s blood donation co-ordinator since 2011 and helped the utility win the Australian Red Cross Blood Service’s Red25 campaign corporate category for the past six years. The program also
Teen with cancer hosts blood drive to give back
In November 2016, Skylar Martin had just finished his first season on the Ashley High School football team when he was diagnosed with ALL B Blast Leukemia. One week after the season ended, Skylar began chemotherapy treatments that would continue for the next six months. Sunday, his family held a blood drive in his honor. Throughout
Cedar Hills teen with rare blood disease working to replenish blood supply
Blood donating is about ‘being a good citizen’
With World Blood Donor Day on June 14, the NZ Blood Service is asking “true heroes to stand up and take a bow”. Half Moon Bay resident Gregory Morrison is one of the 110,000 life-savers across the country and 3000 active blood donors in East Auckland. Once a month, the 55-year-old IT business analyst goes
Top Rockland Blood Donors Honored
Preschool-aged cancer survivor inspiring others to donate blood
A boy who survived grueling cancer treatments with help from five anonymous blood donors is inspiring others to give the gift that helped save his life. Mitch Head graduates from his Port Coquitlam preschool on Friday, after a difficult year of treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. “We wiped out his
Don’t wait until disaster strikes. Please give often!
Blood Donation has Multiple Positives – say donors and recipients
During the World Blood Donor Day (WBDD), award ceremony hosted by the Ministry of Public Health under the theme, “What can you do? Give Blood. Give now. Give often,” some of the donors and recipients highlighted their experiences both as donors and recipients to the Department of Public Information/Government Information