19 May No Comments Anastasia news , , , ,

A Harrogate mum is speaking out about her son’s condition, so rare that it affects under 1,000 people worldwide.

Vicky Flintoff is determined to raise awareness of her son Archie’s diagnosis of Diamond Blackfan Anaemia, more commonly known as DBA.

The condition is a bone marrow failure disorder and caused Archie, now aged five, to have his first transfusion at ten weeks old.

Mum Vicky only noticed something was wrong after she had taken Archie for a walk as a baby and he had failed to react to her voice.

Now the family are wanting to further awareness, raise money for DBA UK and hopefully raise some money so they can afford their regular trips to London, so Archie can have his heart and liver monitored.

She said: “When we first brought Archie home, he seemed like a perfect, healthy newborn.

“He slept a lot, which was the complete opposite of his sister, and was a fussy eater.

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