A little bit of pain is worth preventing a lot of pain for someone else, says a Dal AC student who took part in a recent Canadian Blood Services drive in Truro.
Dewolf decided to donate after attending a blood-type testing clinic at her school. She was told she was type O Negative, making her a universal donor.
A technician at the time told Dewolf, “Wow, that’s rare, you should really consider donating.”
A single donation by Dewolf will help three Canadians in need.
“There were fears leading up to the needle, but I knew helping people would be worth it.”
Blood-type testing clinics are put on across Canada to encourage potential donors to sign up for a blood drive.
“In the winter we run low because of storms and in the summer, we run low because everyone is out in the nice weather, so we need strategies like that one to keep hospitals supplied with donations,” said Deborah MacGillivray, a territory manager with Canadian Blood Services.
This April blood drive produced fewer donors than expected.
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